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3.1. Detecting the myths and language of our money culture

This mind-set of scarcity is not something we intentionally created or have any conscious intention to bring into our life. It was here before us and it will likely persist beyond us, perpetuated in the myths and language of our money culture. We do, however, have a choice about whether or not to buy into it and whether or not to buy into it and whether or not to let it rule our lives.

Lynne Twist

Lynne Twist invites us to become curious about what the myths and the language of money culture are that keep us in the mindset of scarcity. Lets follow her invitation and go look for sayings, proverbs around money that we learned from our family of origin and the society that we grew up in..

  • What are the proverbs in your native language and culture that people say? (Just to kick things off: in mine they are, for example, "Geld stinkt nicht" from the latin roots pecunia non olet, meaning "money doesn’t stink". Or "Geld regiert die Welt" which can be translated as "money makes the world go round".) Share these proverbs with us, as they come to your mind.
  • Is there any pattern that you see emerging when looking at these proverbs (e.g., do you see any projections - positive or negative - on the concept of money?)

Some Dutch examples (during one of our calls I will explain them if you would like me to)

- wie voor een dubbeltje geboren is zal nooit een kwartje worden

- een heitje voor een karweitje

- in het laatste Hemd zitten geen zakken

- geld maakt niet gelukkig

- de eerste klap is een daalder waard

- tot op de laatste cent

