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4.2. What does “Wholeness” mean in everyday-life? How can we bring it into the room when we work, live, speak..?

In this module we've learned a lot. We've learned that machines can only be so intelligent and autonomous as we programmed them to be.

We learned thanks to Joep about the ever increasing pace of developments in the external world (partially thanks to machines we ourselves created). We also learned from him that Appreciative Leaders are asked to help the humans and organizations they lead to slow down. Because - and this is my adding to his words - in the slowing down is where we as humans add value. We add value through the heart-to-heart relationships we can establish and maintain, we add by giving (our own) creativity space. We add value by reconnecting, not only with ourselves in a meaningful way, but also by reconnecting with other humans and all organisms around us on this planet earth.

We learned that it might need habits, rhythms and rituals to create space - not only for (disruptive) creativity but also for the (re)connecting in a wholistic way (to ourselves, each other, every living being around us, incl. the planet and maybe even beyond).

Now this is all good and well, but the most interesting thing to ask is: how do YOU bring the idea of wholeness into your life? Where could you start tomorrow to implement a teeny-tiny-aspect of wholeness into your every-day-work-or-private-life?

  • Is it by exploring the concept of Ubuntu or interdependence, that Joep mentioned (Ubuntu meaning in Joep's definition: I am because you are)?

  • Is it by following a certain practice or discipline (e.g. a morning ritual to empty yourself) and at the same time to allow for creative disruption of it, if necessary and of value?
  • Is it by contemplating on how you could implement the Wholeness Principle of Appreciative Inquiry in your (work) life?

Share with us  your next elegant step on how you want to integrate the notion of Wholeness in your life 🙂
